I’m so happy today… Syndrom w’end kali yeee… Hehehehe… But anyway, I’m happy… (*-*) Pagi ini tumben-tumbenan berangkat ke kantor dengan senyum yang mengembang… huehehehe… tapi bukan berarti kemaren-kemarennya gak senyum lhoo, tapi cukup dikulum aja senyumnya… huihihihihi… Talking ‘bout smiling… I can feel that a little smile can be a big thing… Ummm… a lot of examples to describe it caused smile has a lot of meaning inside. People can smile either for happy or sad reason… Confusing… But it’s true… As quoted in one of Titik Puspa’s songs called “Kupu-Kupu Malam”… kadang dia tersenyum dalam tangis, kadang dia menangis didalam senyuman… We cannot judge someone’s happiness just because he’s very smiley, and we never know that someone can be a nice guy or a bad guy just from the smile. However, my smile today has a different meaning as I’ve told before… Gak happy tapi gak sedih juga… I have a big smile today because I feel very beloved today… By my family, my closest friend, and all people around me… Instead of being “BeTe” karena belom gajian, I prefer to enjoy my day and make this day become a happy day for me… Soooo… SMILE!!! And you will always have a GREAT DAY every day… (^-^)